Bitcoin Mining For Dummies But Very Lucrative – Bitcoin Mining For Dummies But Very Lucrative

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A question get asked frequently…

Can any beginner do crypto mining and is it an automated program?

Here is one of the answer…

Mining is predominantly done via specialized hardware now. The two most common proof of work algorithms are SHA256 and Scrypt, although some crypto-coins use other novel methods they are quite rare. If you want to use a PC you’ll want to use your GPU primarily. GPUs are better at Scrypt than most specialized hardware still, but not much. If you have an Nvidia GPU you’ll need to download CudaMiner, there are a variety of options for ATI GPUs.

Mining is similar for most crypto coins, in that the more computations you do in a given black of work the greater your share of the reward. Mining pools spread out the workload to multiple computers and allow for faster overalll mining, and more consistant reward.

Mining is making money, in that your efforts are rewarded in coinage. You can always sell that to someone that wants it for whatever currency you demand. Trading Bitcoin for USD or Euros is pretty common. So, yes, mining could be a profitable business with specialized hardware (ASIC).

Bitcoin mining for dummies

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via Melvin’s Channel

Author: Melvin J Hermann

I'm a software engineer that likes to share to the world interesting things I find on the web.

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